After the party

Last week was a super busy one. We had the first “morphomeostasis” meeting with Dr Tamori and Dr Hiratani. Discussion went really well. Then, we had a lab warming party, which also went well. Thanks everyone for helping and/or joining the party. Then I attended the CDB meeting “mechanistic perspectives of multicellular organization” on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the cell competition symposium in Kyoto on Thursday. Both meetings were literally great. Now it’s time to do science myself.

先週は、オープンラボパーティや第一回 “morphomeostasis” meetingを開催したり、CDB meetingや細胞競合シンポジウムなどに参加したりと、何だか慌ただしくも楽しい一週間だった。マジャモリ博士とか、毎日会って話していた気がする。で、そろそろ自分のサイエンスにフォーカスしていきたいのだけれど、でもまずバークレーから持ち帰った宿題をしあげないと。